Every Soul Ballet and Contemporary Dance Classes for Young People
Ballet Soul
Ballet Soul believes every dancer has their own spirit of movement. This class will use ballet and contemporary techniques and teach choreography which will be expressed differently by each individual dancer.
Ballet Soul’s work is concerned with the potential of the human body – exploring the human soul and the body’s capacity for deep physicality and how the body conveys emotion.
Ballet Soul’s influence in style comes from placing Africanist movement values on the classical ballet and traditional dance vocabularies. Contemporary styles are also merged with traditional African storytelling.
Supported by Wandsworth Arts Fringe through Wandsworth Grant Fund, these classes are offered free. Book early to avoid disappointment!
Register for your class!
Class 1 : 12pm - 8 yrs
Class 2 : 1pm - 16+yrs
Open to all levels. Each class is 50 minutes.